Friday, 13 July 2018

The feasibility of producing an autobiography

Even though my life history has in many ways been interesting, and probably needs telling, I've never considered producing an autobiography.

If I jotted down everything that I remember, without reference to anyone else, illustrations or other primary sources, it would probably end up being a 30-page volume.
Things would be rather selective, crucial details omitted and almost certainly an unbalanced story.

However many teachers and other specialist staff, e.g. speech therapists, who helped me in my early years up to when I was 12 whilst I was getting over speech/communication difficulties will have died.
Any reports produced by them on my progress - and I imagine a lot were produced - could have been destroyed by now.

I was also in and out of hospitals and clinics especially after my whooping cough jab reaction at the age of 2; I guess my records, if they survive in paper form at all, would form a huge stack.

Due to lack of room at home, I destroyed all my school exercise books up to O level (aged 16) in 1981. I also dumped my unused and dusty sixth form, further education and degree notes in Hampshire Council's recycling bins at Havant in 2014-15 as part of mum's sorting and home clearance prior to her move up to Yorkshire.

This then leads on to oral history and written notes and testimonies. I would need to start soliciting comments (perhaps anonymously) from individuals and possibly appoint coordinators to cover specific periods and aspects of my life.
However I've been out of touch with many ex-pupils, college students and staff for years.

At work, my routines include processing graphic novels published by such companies as DC Comics and Titan Books. I'm not dogmatic about a particular style of publication and wouldn't be averse to include cartoons and illustrations where appropriate. Unfortunately I don't have cartooning skills or ability, or know anyone offhand who might convey my life story in a graphic novel form.

I know someone who's writing a biography of Yorkshire and Somerset cricketer and coach Johnny Lawrence (1911-1988) who's hampered in his work by the death of fellow cricketers who knew him and the lack of surviving records at some clubs he played for, which meant that most of the information obtained has been from relatives or scores/results from old newspapers.

Consequently it might be worthwhile starting work whilst memories are still fresh and documentary evidence still available.

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