Friday, 29 June 2018

Westfield Junior School reunion, 21 June 2002

On Friday 21 June 2002, I organised a reunion at the now closed and demolished Westfield Junior School, Portsmouth, to mark 25 years since my year group left there in 1977.
Unfortunately most of the photos when returned after processing at the shop didn't come out well, but here are a few scenes from the event.
The photos were taken in the hall used for morning assemblies and PE, apart from one taken near the swimming pool. 
Tony Fisher, 2nd from right
Best photo available of the anniversary cake, plus buffet
Alf Wiltshire, in white trousers, on right
Darin McCloud, 2nd left of standing group, wearing waistcoat

Alf Wiltshire, holding open the door to one of the changing rooms sheds for the swimming pool

Ex-pupils (and partners/family) attended included:
Bruce Baker, Donna Bendell, Glen Cotton (organiser), Jayne Dollery, Richard Egerton, Tony Fisher, Jackie Gibbs, Victoria Gibbs, Jeanette Gray (nee Hawkins), Karen Jefferies, Mark Jones, Sharon Kirk, David Lawrence, Darin McCloud, Kevin Miller, Judy Lucas (nee Mould), Robert Moth, Phillip Pinhorne, Alf Wiltshire, Angela Wyatt.
I organised it from Leeds, involving visits to Portsmouth and the British Library, St Pancras, consulting old electoral registers in order to draw up a list of ex-pupils, writing to pupils' parents and emailing others.
Most still lived in Hampshire; Tony Fisher came from London and Alf Wiltshire came from Brighton for this event.
I've forgotten everyone who attended, please add to the list!
In October 2015, I visited the area only to find the schools complex - there were initially four schools, Westgrove and Greenfields Junior Schools, Paulsgrove West and East Infant Schools - demolished and a new housing estate built on the site. However some remains existed, which I photographed. 



[Originally posted on Facebook, 21 June 2018; revised with added photos, 29 June 2018]
[Revised 21 July 2018 after I found my list of attendees]

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